
Bata Academy


The mission of the academy is to share and develop the legacy of Tomas Bata with regard to its current use.

Public courses

A piece of Tomas Bata´s legacy for everyone


Meet Tomas Bata not only as a genius entrepreneur, philosopher, teacher, politician, builder and pioneer, but also as an ordinary guy who managed to live his American dream in Moravia and through his dream he was able to inspire another tens of thousands of collaborators and change their lives.

The Thomas Bata Foundation opens a one-year course in the study of the Tomas Bata legacy. The course is intended for the general public and is designed for adult students.

The course is divided into five seminars and ends with a certificate of completion. The seminar takes place once a month in the afternoon – from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm. The seminars will take place in the representative premises of the Bata Villa.


Gabriela Koncitikova

For a long time she has been studying the Bata´s Management System and its current use. As part of her teaching activities, she lectures on individual topics from the Bata´s Management System. She is studying for a doctoral degree at Tomas Bata University in Zlin. As part of her dissertation, she is developing a model of the personnel principles of the company Bata until 1945 for application in the current business environment. She published her studies and is the author of several books. She currently works as a project manager for the Thomas Bata Foundation. She is dedicated to sharing the inspiring ideas of Tomas Bata within the Bata Inspiration project.

Pavel Velev

He works as the director of the Thomas Bata Foundation in Zlin. He graduated from the Faculty of Technology at Brno University of Technology, majoring in plastics and rubber technology. In 1981-1989 he worked as an independent researcher in the development and application of new materials for footwear. In 1989 he joined secondary vocational school of shoemaking, where he became the director from 1992. He became the founder of the International Shoemaking School (ISMS) and started his cooperation with the Bata company. In 1998 he left at the request of Thomas Bata Jr. to build the newly established Thomas Bata Foundation. His life credo is Batas simple : “Service to the public.”

Content of the Academy


Tomas Bata and his philosophy, principles of the Bata’s management system and its use in the present.

The students will learn

Basic knowledge about the personality of Tomas Bata, information about the growth of the business phenomenon of Bata, basic thought processes of Tomas Bata.

Content of the seminar

Introduction to the personality of Tomas Bata, his business beginnings, the formation of his business personality and personal growth. Inspiration by an innovative approach to the working procedures of that time, searching for new ways.


The seminar presents the basic principles of the Bata´s management system – Participation in profit and loss, self-government of workshops, service as a basic business objective, the time as the most significant capital, conditions for growth and development, management, information sharing, substitutability, systemic approach to work etc. It also introduces the closest associates of Tomas Bata, who participated in the development of the Bata company.


During the seminar you will get to know not only the personality of Tomas Bata, but also:


  • his business beginnings,
  • successes and failures that conditioned the growth of the Bata phenomenon,
  • constant perception of innovation as a tool for growth,
  • the emergence of a shoemaking power,
  • the extent of the Bata empire.
  • basic elements of the Bata´s management system,
  • inspiration for the present,
  • sharing as a basic tool of the Bata´s management system.



Corporate culture and motivation.

The students will learn

Knowledge of internal corporate communication, value creation and their development. Knowledge of ways to connect corporate facilities and the development of social, cultural and sports facilities in the city.

Knowledge of motivational factors in the Bata company until 1945, the way of perception of motivation at Bata company, acquaintance with the concept of self-education within the Bata´s management system and the principles of the  idea of an “industrial man.”


Content of the seminar

Over the years, the Bata company has created its own corporate culture, which was closely connected with the social, cultural and sports facilities, which the company provided to their co-workers. Within the corporate culture is not neglected influence on the formation of the company interpersonal relations and forms of communication not only within the company but also cooperation beyond.

Development of the motivation system of the Bata company and its connection with career growth and life at the company. The close connection of tangible and intangible motivational factors in connection with  lifelong learning and career growth has created a very specific and intertwining system of not only work, but also personal development of man.


During the seminar you can get acquainted with:

  • individual levels of the motivation system in the Bata company,
  • motivation tools,
  • tools to increase and maintain motivation,
  • internal communication in the Bata company,
  • social and cultural background of the company.

“People give life to machines” or personnel activities in Bata´s management system.

The students will learn

Experience with filling in the Bata company entrance tests, information on conducting job interviews, getting acquainted with the adaptation process, motivation and reward system. Last but not least, the student will be acquainted with the breadth of care for co-workers  and working principles in the Bata company.

Content of the seminar

Tomas Bata said: “Are you asking me how I built our plant to this size? I did not build a plant, I built a man and he built a plant. ”Presentation of individual tools that the Bata company used for the selection, hiring and stabilization of co-workers.


Based on the primary documents of the Bata company until 1945, individual areas of personnel work will be introduced:

  • selection and admission of people,
  • incentive and reward system,
  • care of employees.

Trade, promotion and advertising – “Our customer – our master.”

The students will learn

Basic knowledge that the service guarantees not only higher sales and a satisfied customer, but also higher wages, a satisfied employee and a satisfied personal life.

Content of the seminar

The word service has become a basic element of the business philosophy and strategy of the Bata company. Being useful – that is, able to serve another person – was considered to be the highest degree of human realization in society. All business, production and interpersonal activities were to be carried out in terms of service and in accordance with the perception of service at Bata.


During the seminar you can get acquainted with:

  • perception of service within Bata’s management system,
  • service as a basis for successful sales,
  • service as the basis of life.

“Build yourself first” or the meaning of life balance according to Tomas Bata.

The students will learn

Knowledge of how to apply the individual principles of Tomas Bata to your personal life, how to increase your life satisfaction and achieve life balance through these methods.

Content of the seminar

Emphasis on the holistic development of the personality of each employee, the principles of the Bata´s Management System and their application not only in work but also in private life. Bata´s method 8-8-8 and its influence on the life satisfaction of every person.


During the seminar you can get acquainted with:

  • use of the principles of the Bata´s management system for personal growth,
  • the concept of the vision of the industrial man,
  • life balance in the Bata legacy.