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obchod - Nadace Baťa

Inspired The Bata Way

How to be stronger and happier by adopting Thomas Bata’s principles to live by

“My system will not disappear. These buildings and machines, they’re just piles of bricks and iron. But the system I have created will serve future generations.” Thomas Bata



The present volume, Inspired the Bata Way, introduces 99 of the key ideas that Thomas Bata applied to shaping his philosophy of business and life. The Bata System of Management is no mere guide to how to run a business: above all, it provides the inspiration for how to begin to mould one’s own personality.

Thomas Bata was renowned for his application of sound common sense. He was typified by his adoption of simple solutions and an uncomplicated approach to life. Also typical of the man are the principles to which he adhered and which he required from those around him. You, reader, draw inspiration from them likewise.

Author: Gabriela Končitíková

Translated form the Czech by David Short

1st edition

420 pages

ISBN: 978-80-908183-1-6

Size: 14 cm x 22 cm

Hardcover book